The City of Dallas
WAP Real Time Weather Web Site
is On The Air

If you have a cell phone or other wireless device that is  "Web Enabled" you can:

See our WAP Site Demonstration Page to see what these pages will look like on your phone.

The URL for our WAP site is
The WAP Site will not display correctly in a standard browser like Internet Explorer or Netscape. You will need a WAP enabled browser as is found in many cell phones today. WAP stands for Wireless Application Protocol.

Notes on the WAP pages:
This information is provided with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be correct or complete and conclusions drawn from such information are the sole responsibility of the user.
Every effort has been made to minimize the size of these pages due to the size of the display of most wireless devices and bandwidth problems. These pages are produced by a completely automated system of servers. If you see any data that looks out of date or just plain wrong, please contact the Web administrator.

This page shows which Flooded Roadway Warning System locations are activated. Please keep in mind that we test all forty two locations every month. If you see a site activated on a sunny day - we are probably just testing. This page is updated every ten minutes.

This is the seven day National Weather Service weather forecast. It is updated four times a day.

Watches and Warnings:
This page is a listing of all of the current watches and warnings issued by the National Weather Service for our area. It is updated every 30 minutes.

Current Weather:
There are two tables on this page. It is updated at ten minute intervals. Locations for the weather stations and rain gages are as follows:

Pump Stations:
This page has various tables of sump elevations and pump status. It is updated every ten minutes.

NWS Radar:
To view these pages your wireless device must be able to display gif images. There are two sets of images; a full resolution set and a low resolution set. The full resolution set are large files for a wireless device (630 X 630) that run 20 to 50 kilobytes in size. The low resolution set are usually 15 to 25 kilobytes (310 X 310). The price that we pay for the low resolution set is that the text is illegible, but you can get the general location of cells on the radar. You can view the current images below.

These images are downloaded from the National Weather service every ten minutes.